J & E Hall Boosts Engineering Team by Hiring Ex-Military Personnel

J & E Hall is expanding its engineering team by hiring former military personnel, recognizing the value of transferable skills and strong work ethic in the field of industrial refrigeration, and helping address the ‘skills gap’ crisis within the cooling sector.
Following its introduction into the business last year, J & E Hall have hired three employees into this new scheme and Martin Jefkins, Director of HR, is pleased with its progress so far. “It’s been great welcoming David, Jake and Daniel to our team, I’ve been impressed with how they have started to contribute to our team already, and especially with how they have fitted into our positive, people led, culture”.
Jake, one of the new recruits, joined the team with a solid foundation in electrical and mechanical skills from his time in the forces. He has quickly settled into the team, earning positive feedback from his peers for his approachable nature, eagerness to learn, and impressive progress within the Fast Track development programme. "Jake is making great strides and is on track to become a highly skilled Refrigeration Engineer," commented his Service Manager, Neil Bradshaw.
David, the first of the three recruits, has been equally successful in his transition from the military. "David is a valuable member of the team, eager to expand his knowledge and grow into a fully-fledged industrial refrigeration engineer," said his Service Manager Jim Waites. "His strong work ethic, desire to be the best, and excellent personality have made him an integral part of the team."
The company's Military Recruitment Scheme is proving to be an effective way to tap into a pool of highly motivated individuals, demonstrating not only technical aptitude but also the right attitude for fast-tracking their careers in engineering. In partnership with the Forces Recruitment Service, J & E Hall is looking to recruit further personnel with specific engineering experience through its fast-track scheme. With such promising candidates like Daniel, Jake and David, J & E Hall is looking forward to a brighter future in the industry.